Since we are on the
subject of packing tips I thought I would share my list of "must have" items to pack for a trip with the kids. After packing up all the essential items (clothing, toiletries, prescriptions, etc...) you may want to add the items on this list. Obviously it is not a comprehensive list of everything you need on your next family vacation--just some of the items that I have found came in handy:
1. Ziploc Baggies-- I put these first because they really come in handy. They are great for storing items that leak, soiled clothing, snacks and so much more.
2. Binoculars-Kids love to get a better view of things. Pack a miniature pair to save space.
3. Wet wipes-Even if your kids are out of diapers these will most likely come in handy to wipe sticky hands and faces.
4. Floatation Devices -If you are staying somewhere with a pool and your little ones don't swim you will be glad you packed them.
5. Sunscreen--We prefer the spray on variety. Don't forget protective lip balm while your at it. Nothing ruins a vacation faster than a bad sunburn.
6. Snacks - Pack enough non-perishable snacks for the entire trip. Avoid anything that can be easily squished or messy.
7. Rain Ponchos and travel sized umbrellas-Why let a little rain spoil your plans?
8. Stainstick or other stain remover-Stains are bound to happen--why let them set in until the end of your trip?
9. Wrinkle Release Spray- Your clothes are going to wrinkle. This may save you from having to iron.
10.Small toys or travel games-Keep the kids busy. I may do a separate 13 on ideas for this. Stay tuned...
11.Favorite blanket or stuffed animal (for bedtime)-It is hard to sleep in a strange place. This familiar item will relieve some of the anxiety associated with traveling.
12. Medical kit: -Thermometer, Neosporin, Band Aids, Children's Tylenol, any prescription medication
13. Cereal or Breakfast bars--This is a great money and time saver. Plan on eating in your hotel room. Don't forget the plastic spoons.
Have anymore great items that I forgot to include on this packing list? Leave me a comment and let me know.
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